what we do
We believe in Guru Nanak's principles of
'Sarbat Da Bhala'- 'Do Good To All'
'Serving Without Boundaries'
GURU NANAK’s Free Kitchenette is a symbol of selfless service, empathy and an attempt to serve needy without expecting anything like name, fame or money. GURU NANAK’s Free Kitchenette is a not-for-profit, secular, multicultural, voluntary organization, working for the development of the society. It is a common platform for many volunteers.
GNFK Sydney (Guru Nanak Free Kitchenette Sydney) is a common platform for streams of volunteers who joined hands from different ethnic backgrounds including Indians, Australians, Nepalese, Fiji Indians, Bangladeshi, SriLankans, Chinese and Muslims. It is the first ever initiative in the history of Indian Australian community to promote Australian diversity through a charity organization. This initiative promotes and introduces not only Indian food and clothes to homeless people but also the culture of giving with love as part of Sikh religious teachings-‘ Sarbat da Bhala' which means 'Do Good to all’.
The practice of Langar – The Communal Kitchen and Seva – the selfless service of humanity; philosophies taught by our first Guru, Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji many hundreds of years ago. For the Sikh community, this project is not missionary in nature, instead it is an opportunity for us to extend this true Sikh spirit of helping those in need regardless of caste, colour, creed, and economic status.
We not only provide food to the needy, but also help and support the senior citizens by visiting them at old aged homes and also celebrate important days of their lives such as - 'Mother's Day' and 'Father's Day' etc.
GURU NANAK’s Free Kitchenette provides new warm clothes and new blankets to the homeless and needy people during winters every year.